About us


Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Telkom Professional Development Center (TELKOM PDC)

Telkom Professional Development Center (Telkom PDC) is established as the realization of the dedication of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia towards education, and through the Telkom Education Foundation (YPT), it actively contributes to the ongoing efforts in the betterment of the living standards and competitiveness of the Indonesian people. Among the programs of the YPT Group is the developing and holding of high-caliber programs for education and training, where such programs are tailor-made and constantly enhanced to meet the immediate needs of their clients in facing the growing demands for apt professionals with internationally-recognized real skills set.

Dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan proses belajar, Politeknik Telkom menggunakan KHAS Development System. Sistem ini dibangun dengan tujuan untuk mentransformasikan, membangun, dan mengembangkan pengetahuan(knowledge), keahlian(hard skill), kepribadian (attitude), dan kemampuan interaksi sosial (soft skill) kepada mahasiswa Politeknik Telkom. Agar lulusan Politeknik Telkom dapat menjadi mandiri yang tangguh dan dapat bersaing di dunia industri teknologi informasi.

To be a leader and liable to service a comprehensive and integrated professional education & training, professional certification , and consulting services on ICT and management field.
Provide excellent professional education and training, professional certification , and consulting services to enable customers to exceed their objectives.
Achieve sustainable growth by leveraging on our competencies and strategic partnership.
Continuously develop Indonesia human capital become professional (highly skilled and competitive) human assets.
Deliver satisfactory return to stakeholders.
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